Posts Tagged with "facebook"

Acceptable Online Discource: How to Punch Someone Out

January 27th, 2014 at 7:27 pm by Mark
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If you do decide to discuss Politics and Religion online, at least some people will be ever-so-helpful. 😉

Facebook Post: "Pro Tip: if something would get you punched out, told off, or arrested in person, it is not part of acceptable online social discourse, either. Please don't be one of the people who whine about political correctness but are just miffed because they acted like an asshat and somebody said mean things to them in response."  Comment 1: "amen"  Comment 2: "Amen."  Comment 3: "Pro tip: if you're going to punch someone out, align the knuckles of your first two fingers with your wrist and elbow and strike the opponent's cheekbone with the middle knuckle while keeping your elbow raised. This way, you increase the effective power, reduce the likelihood of breaking a knuckle and in the case of a miss, you can continue the momentum with a strike of the elbow."

Trolling for Dates on Facebook?

January 23rd, 2014 at 9:11 pm by Mark
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Ironically, this might actually work. 😉

Guys that try and pick up girls on facebook are pathetic. Girls if you agree Message me your number so we can talk about it.  IT'S A TRAP!

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Random Internet Stalkers

January 21st, 2014 at 9:59 pm by Mark
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Sometimes, being a blogger — and a little obnoxious on Facebook — can be like painting a big red target over your head. Sometimes, the attention is nothing but negative. Other times, people just “love” you for no apparent reason. And sometimes, in both cases, they just won’t take “NO!” for an answer.

Boy: "SOME PEOPLE ARE SO FREAKING ANNOYING"  Girl: "If I could rearrange the alphabet id put 'U' and I' together <3 <3"  Boy: "i don't need to rearrange the alphabet because 'N' and 'O' are already together" (55 people Like this)

Sick of Bathroom Mirror Selfies?

January 9th, 2014 at 5:08 pm by Mark
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The thing about bathroom mirror photos is that it’s always good fun to comment on some random, if not embarrassing, object — or even person — you might see elsewhere in the photo. 😉

Thanks to Facebook I get to see what everyone's bathroom looks like one mirror at a time.


New Years Eve 2013

December 31st, 2013 at 7:35 pm by Mark
Tags: , , , , wishes everyone a Happy and Safe New Years Eve celebration! Be extremely safe, in fact — don’t drink and drive!

And when you’re making resolutions, or making wishes, be careful what you ask for. 😉

Facebook Status: "Takin Applications for a midnight kiss. Send picture of lips."  Answer 1: (Rocky Horror screenshot with Dr. Frank-N-Furter) Answer 2: "Lol priceless"  Answer 3: "U want mustache in the pic or not"