As if I Need More Fungus
February 19th, 2009 at 9:25 pm by MarkTags: english, humor, innuendo, language, sarcasm
Tonight, I got a random Yahoo invite from someone I don’t know. I don’t answer anything from people I don’t know. Hell, it’s hard enough to get me to answer them from people I do know.
But the amusing part about this one was that the invite was from someone named “fungal4u” with a bunch of numbers at the end.
You got it … I won’t even respond to someone named “fun gal 4 u” … But prior to hitting, “Mark as Spam,” I couldn’t help but respond.
“I don’t talk to fungus.”
I mean, what a brilliantly thought out name. Fungal, as in about, or pertaining to, fungus.
That struck me as almost as clever as when Experts Exchange had their original domain, “” — for those who want the very best Sex Change. *rolls eyes*