Posts Tagged with "marriage"

Polititely Poisoning Your Coffee

February 28th, 2014 at 7:51 pm by Jason
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A few months ago a friend of mine’s wife kept bragging how she was just as crazy and mean as her mother. She had just told us the story about how her mother had put rat poison in her father’s coffee for months.

Writing in the bottom of a Coffee Cup: "You've been poisoned."

Marriage Proposal Rejected by Finger

January 17th, 2014 at 7:46 pm by Mark
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To the groom to be, at least it wasn’t her middle finger.

"I said yes!"  Smapaynepapi: "But your finger says no. :-("

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Unexpected Proposals

January 17th, 2014 at 5:33 pm by Mark
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I’m sure this sort of pranking is why I’ll be going to Hell…

"Marry Me" Coffee Cup: Imagine how much fun you could have with these while service random couples in a coffee shop.

Stabbed With a Squirrel?

January 10th, 2014 at 5:02 pm by Mark
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Meanwhile, in crazy land…

It was, in fact, a ceramic squirrel, and the entire thing happened because the guy didn’t bring his wife back any beer. He was also, in fact, in the kitchen, unsupervised, making his own damn sammich when the attack occurred.

This story is starting to sound eerily familiar… But I digress. *cough*

Wife Stabs Husband With Squirrel

Note: Courtesy of NBC 9, Story at NBC 2

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Safeway: The All-in-One Grocer & Marriage Counselor

June 9th, 2013 at 9:12 pm by Mark
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I suppose saying, “When I think about marriage counseling, I always think of Safeway,” might be a little more socially acceptable than saying, “That’s what she said.”

Penis broken. Please use finger. Thanks!