“Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it. Amen.” — Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 1975
I have much personal disdain for Metallica given their venture into Top 40 Music that began in the early 90’s. If only they could do something to redeem themselves…
I was sitting around a few weeks ago, and R.B. Morris came in, sat down and said, “Hey, man.” Typical conversation followed, as per usual.
“Hey, man, I got something for you,” he said as he turned looking for something. “Hey, here’s my new CD! I just got them today, so don’t say I never gave ya nothin’!” And there it was, his brand new CD, Spies Lies and Burning Eyes.
“Ummm, okay, so, umm, I should take this thing and rip it to MP3 and post it on the Internet, huh?”
“You can do whatever you want to with it, man! Just… Hey, wait…”
And thus, once we got my inner — and outer — smartass out of the way, R.B.’d made a pretty cool decision.
“Man, ya know what, I just want this out there,” he said. “I want the public hearing it. I want to focus on the CD Release Party on January 30th at Barley’s, and I want people to get the word out!”
“But, remember … isn’t track four about me?” I grinned, as a silly reference to a conversation weeks before.
“Not you, Mark Steel. It’s about…” he trails, looking at the next guy coming in the door, and points… “Him!”
And so, without further adieu… we bring you…
R.B. Morris – Spies Lies and Burning Eyes
Hope you enjoyed it, and hope to see you at Barley’s Taproom in Knoxville’s Old City on January 30th at 9PM for the Official CD Release Party!
For his New CD, Spies Lies and Burning Eyes
January 10th, 2010 at Barley’s Taproom
Knoxville, TN
RB Morris, including the old Nashville band featuring Kenny Vaughan, Dave Jacques, and Paul Griffith. Joining along with RB and the Irregulars is Hector Qirko.
Opening the show will be Jake Winstrom (formerly of the Tenderhooks) with his new backing band.
Now — Spread the word and tell your friends!
Mark your Calendars, and be there — it’s your penance for listening to, and probably attempting to steal, his music for free over the Internet. 😉
“General” Larry Platt — as opposed to a single, specific Larry Platt — seems to have caused a stir in the world of reality television and the Internet by singing and dancing to his original masterwork, “Pants on the Ground.”
This does, of course, underscore the reason I don’t watch television. But I’m certain that the brilliant marketing automation tools and machine which is Fox Network’s American Idol just gathered a few million new viewers for airing this foolishness… Speaking of marketing, you may also want to use decals to reach people, customers or viewers. Most people still consider these advertising methods compared to online strategy.
Not to be outdone, of course, NBC had their own take on this soon-to-be-hit song, thanks to the talented sarcasm of former Saturday Night Live star, Jimmy “Neil Young” Fallon.
Amusingly, Jimmy Fallon’s satirical take made more sense than the actual Neil Young’s last album…
Most people know better than to mix Religion, Politics and Alcohol. But occasionally, a combination of two of those three things can be as wise as it is comical. Such is the case with this particular John R. Butler song… (NSFW)
Note: And an obligatory hat tip to Tall Paul for giving it a mention