Posts Tagged with "penis"

SEGA Toylets: Coming to a Urinal Near You!

February 1st, 2012 at 5:30 pm by Mark
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Fast forward to around 2:15 and you’ll find out about SEGA’s new toilet games, dubbed, “Toylets.” As much as I don’t want a camera watching me pee, I sure as HELL don’t want to end up with a “hot dog,” given the explanation that the first game works using Microwave Radar (amusingly explained at 4:20)…

Real Estate Agent Fail

July 27th, 2011 at 8:00 am by Mark
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This could be easily explained by saying that he stayed at this hotel

Dick Payne: First National Real Estate

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Penis Naming for Dummies

February 28th, 2011 at 11:30 am by Mark
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They say that many men gives their penis a name because they don’t want a stranger making ninety percent of their decisions.  My penis, for instance, is named Dwayne Johnson, although it usually goes by its alias, “The Rock.”  *cough*

You can choose the name based on many factors, like its size for instance. Men in adult films who have big packages as seen in adult clips and galleries can often make men with small tools insecure. Of course, it is given that the thing between their legs could drive women crazy. That can affect your inspiration when it comes to picking a name for your penis. Do what’s necessary to make you feel proud saying its name out load!

Just in case you’re not creative enough to come up with a name for your penis on own or with the help of a “loved” one, Amazon now sells The Penis Name Book.

The Penis Name Book

They Grow Up So Fast…

November 15th, 2007 at 2:53 pm by Diva
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0921071804.jpgMy youngest clone is 16 years old.

She and her friends are so much more “grown up” than me and my friends were at her age.  All we really cared about was ditching school to go to the beach, sneaking a cigarette now and then, and other stupid crap.

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These guys talk about saving the world, like the little tree huggers they are.

They talk about saving the rain forest.  They talk openly about so many things.

I guess I’m the type of mom who, for better or worse, never kept any secrets from my kids.  I’ve never pretended that smoking, drugs, alcohol, or sex don’t exist in their worlds.  I took the preemptive approach of actually telling my kids the pros/cons – good/evil of these things…. and from a young age.

All of these things were unthinkable and taboo in our house when I was growing up.

Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t encourage my kids to smoke it up, drink it down and knock boots.  Quite the contrary.  I encourage them not to do any of it, at least the youngest one and her friends (who still listen).

I just think it to their advantage if they know they can talk to me about anything and that I will be there for them and they won’t be treated as if they have the plaque and be banned from my sight for being human.

With that in mind… the youngest and her lil friend designed and baked me a penis for my bachelorette party.  Dear Lord.


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