Posts Tagged with "racism"

The “OK, Dad, Whatever!” Text

April 8th, 2012 at 5:36 pm by Mark
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This Easter Sunday, given the lovely weather, was a great day to fire up the grill! Of course, we stuck with beef ribs…

Biology Fail: The Stupidest Thing You’ll Read All Day

April 5th, 2012 at 12:15 pm by Michelle
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This is a common sense fail, pregnancy fail, racism fail and biology fail all rolled into one. This sort of “genius” should be bred out of the gene pool, not into it.


Tricky White People

February 17th, 2012 at 5:52 pm by Mark
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Can you really argue with Madea’s logic?

Anti-Racism Fail

January 27th, 2012 at 5:14 pm by Mark
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Of course, this Public Service Announcement was written by “those” people…

Stock Photos

Asshat of the Day: John Wiley Price

February 21st, 2011 at 6:49 am by Mark
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     Today’s Asshat of the Day goes to Dallas County, Texas Commissioner, John Wiley Price, who recently garnered national media attention for saying to the white consituency gathered at a County Commission Public Meeting, “You’re all white.  Go to Hell.”

     Black Hole (n.): 1. A region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape; 2. A slang term used to describe a location or body where things disappear, never to be seen again, especially paperwork and/or money.

     Asshole (n.): 1. The anus; 2. A slang term referring to a person who acts maliciously without care or reason.

     Moulinyan (n.): 1. Italian for “Black Eggplant;” 2. An Italian-American slang term used as a racial slur against our darker-skinned population. See also, “Mouli,” which, in addition to being  a brand of food processor & slicers, was adopted in short for television and movies in order to prevent upset from the general population.

     Mullah (n.): 1. Muslim man educated in Islamic Law; 2. A Muslim vicar, leader or guardian; 3. An English slang term for a Muslim despot.

     Moolah (n.): 1. An Italian-American slang term for “money.”

    Mr. Price continues to be unapologetic to his constituency, claiming that the speaker, Jeff Turner, was using the word, “moolah,” and that it was a “racial epithet.” Anyone with half a brain knows the difference between those words, however, it seems that Mr. Price is missing that half. 

     Asshat (n.): 1. A slang term for someone who acts with such beligerant ignorance or stupidity that they must have their head up their ass, as if wearing it as a hat.

Commissioner Price Tells Citizens to ‘Go to Hell’:

      Fortunately, there was at least one more of those “Anglos” around to put it all into perspective.  Apparently, not only did he have half a brain, he wasn’t a racist asshat.

Speaker Said ‘Mullah,’ Price Heard ‘Moolah’:

     Personally, I’m thankful that Mr. Price hasn’t found out that Ruby Tuesday serves Cajun Blackened Chicken, because once he does, there’s gonna Hell to pay!