Gun Safety: It’s Not Just for Kids Any More
February 23rd, 2015 at 3:57 pm by MarkTags: cats, guns, innuendo, safety
You might find it ludicrous, but I know plenty of pussies who should read this book…
You might find it ludicrous, but I know plenty of pussies who should read this book…
As we all know — or should know — even spermicidally lubricated condoms are only 99% effective. Don’t be the 1%.
In our lovely world of the internets, full of mountains and mountains of pornography, it is nice to see that some still have a sense of humor. Today, when children are having children or people have them out of wedlock (thanks Mark), and I have to work to support them, I am glad to see that the condom has not gone out of style and is versatile and can be used for many things as shown in the following video.
(tip: thanks to B.J. Hitchcock for the clip.)
And just in case you weren’t convinced to use a condom or some other method of birth control before…
Now with your help, we can be one step closer to a balanced budget!
Nirodh will be very important on New Years Eve.
No, not Nimrod — Nirodh.
WTF is Nirodh, you’re asking?
This educational video from Hyderabad, India expains it all…
In retrospect, “Nimrod” might apply, too. And no, I wasn’t being punny — jeez, get your mind outta the gutter, will ya?
But … I think the pink one is gay, especially at 04:18…
Tip: Zacque, actually… but he didn’t wanna post it. Ahh, but then he did. Then… Who knows.
Off a bridge, that is.
Not to sound unsympathetic to the horrible disaster which unfolded Wednesday on I-35W in Minneapolis, but it’s our government who allowed it to happen. Maybe once enough people plumet to their death in horrific accidents, somebody who is somebody might decide to put more money where it needs to be: HERE IN THE U.S., not every-damn-where else.
Nationwide, there are more than 70,000 that could crumble like humpty dumpty and have a great fall. A story posted on AOL today states that Tennessee’s bridges DO NOT make it into a list of bridges likely to go down anytime soon. So, maybe its true. Maybe it’s not.
I decided that this whole situation scares the crap out of me. So, I started looking into the bridges in Tennessee that are, according to our officials at DOT, structurally deficient.
These guys tell us that of all the bridges, both “on system” and “off system” that are in structurally deficient number more than 1,000. More than 1,000!!! Of course, the bridges are not listed here, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be too terribly hard to find out if any of these 1,000 are bridges we take for granted every single day.
I found this quote from a TDOT official from NewsChannel5 in Nashville…
TDOT said about four percent of the state’s 8,000 highway and state road bridges are what they call “structurally deficient,” which means they have some structural problems. TDOT said those problems do not compromise the safety of those bridges.
They can call it what they want. I still think federal funds should be piped into each state for bridge and road upkeep, rather than all over the world.
Think about it…Henley Street? Gay Street? The big one on Pellissippi Pkwy? I-40? Edgemore to/from Oak Ridge? Not to mention any number of smaller bridges.
Good luck out there people. Watch out for them hateful northern drivers from states that start with “I” and have falling bridges.