Posts Tagged with "sarcasm"

Facebook Addicts: Make Money from Facebook NOW!

January 29th, 2014 at 3:04 pm by Mark
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Using this method, even a total idiot could make between $250 – $750 a week!

How to Make Money from Facebook.  1. just go to "Account Settings."  2. press "Deactivate my account."  3. go to work

Herbal Essences “Dangerously Straight” Review

January 28th, 2014 at 7:57 pm by Mark
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Three women, and 25 others, like this…

Herbal Essences "Dangerously Straight" Shampoo Comment from Facebook: "I've been using this shampoo for like two weeks now and I'm still cautiously bisexual. :( #falseadvertising"

Stock Photos

Reigning Hide & Seek World Champion Revealed

January 21st, 2014 at 5:03 pm by Mark
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Second place, of course, goes to the Loch Ness Monster, simply because it doesn’t have its own stupid Reality Show.

Bigfoot: Reigning Hide And Seek World Chamption

Unexpected Proposals

January 17th, 2014 at 5:33 pm by Mark
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I’m sure this sort of pranking is why I’ll be going to Hell…

"Marry Me" Coffee Cup: Imagine how much fun you could have with these while service random couples in a coffee shop.

Stock Photos

The Dating Game: You Can’t Win Edition

January 17th, 2014 at 1:11 pm by Mark
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I’ve seen this game played out over and over.

The corollary: I never gave a damn about where to eat — food is food, and I eat a lot of it — because spending time with and keeping her happy was always the more important priority.

Me? I’ll take a $5 Taco Bell box, and probably eat again in an hour. 😉

So then I told him, "No, you choose the restaurant. I don't care where we go. lolz"