Posts Tagged with "work"

Speaking of Juggling…

January 2nd, 2009 at 4:26 pm by Mark
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     I started to leave this as a comment on Glenn’s blog, but then I remembered the video that just had to go along with it…

     Now, if Glenn and I merged companies, and then brought Doug McCaughan into the fold, as well, there would be absolute mayhem with a grand total of six people to aid in the office devastation.

     Doug could teach everyone to juggle… While I sit back, exhaling cigarette smoke into rather complicated balloon animals, and tossing out lewd remarks…

     …about you guys “playing with your balls.” 😉

     Ya know… Strangely, it’s not an altogether horrible idea… Especially if we also brought in the other evil genius, Anton, with his high voltage Nerf Vulcan

My Third Attempt at Juggling

January 2nd, 2009 at 8:19 am by Glenn
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The other day, I decided to take up Juggling for the third time in about a year.  I looked around online and found a number of resources that describe the activity as a good way to relax and get your mind off of things.


So I went into the warehouse and found three tennis balls.  I also came across a bag with a soccer ball, a football, and a basketball, as well as an assortment of softballs and baseballs.

Most Excellent.

To date I’ve destroyed three glass panes that were lying around, two framed pictures by Ansel Adams.  A framed poster for some shitty movie we worked on.  It had Alan Rickman in it so we were proud of that.  I’ve also managed to knock countless items off of the shelves and knocked over a tray containing a few hundred assorted nuts and bolts.  Oh and the bucket of change.  Yep.  That’s on the floor too.

So far so good!  Now I just can’t wait to start practicing juggling.



Inconsiderate Insubordination

September 10th, 2008 at 11:07 am by Zacque
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It occurred to me today as I was looking for a place to plug up my laptop, how inconsiderate people can be when it comes to seating arrangement.  As I am just as entitled to a seat as they are.  But if you walk into a building at Pellissippi State Technical Community College,  you are more likely to find a seat in the floor than in a chair or bench.  For God(s) sake this is a not pre-civil rights issue, I am a citizen of the United States of America.  This is a terrible injustice and inconsiderate of others around you.

So students, staff and faculty should take note:

  • Students:  A bench is not a bed… (So, don’t lay down there!  Go home!)
  • All:  Everyone needs a seat… (I don’t bite or smell bad.  Get the @#$% over it!)
  • All:  On a side note, I can’t get out to my services to check my e-mail.  (It’s not me looking at porn or contracting viruses.)
  • All:  Also on this same note, why is the infrastructure for the password protected sections of the site so hard to use?  (I am relatively computer savvy,  I have issues using this… Maybe you should look into hiring Catalyst IT and Catalyst X, they work for me.  With that said they could probably help make the design appealing and functional.)
  • Staff and Faculty:  I realize to purchase applicable materials is a necessary evil, but why do they have to cost so much? (Many of my friends and colleagues are quite successful using online sources to study our information when we have problems.  I realize that not all of this information is valid, but with some reasoning I am sure this can be resolved.)

In consideration of these things, maybe atleast one person out there is listening.  That makes two, which won’t get us anywhere.  But if we could get three people to talk about these things, then they will know its a movement.  That’s what it is folks the Inconsiderate Insubordination movement, and you should sing it loud and proud if you want to make changes and stuff.

(Conclusion is loosely based from Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie.)

Why Are Laptop Parts So Hard to Find?

August 11th, 2008 at 8:04 pm by Mark
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     Over the last year, I’ve made quite a bit of new business working on Laptops, thanks in no small part to Les Jones blogging about it.  It’s easy, really, and most people just can’t be bothered fixing Laptop hardware problems.

     But something’s been really irking me about it.

     The availability of parts is putting a real kink in the works.  Every part I try and order lately is actually out of stock, despite the vendors saying they have upwards of twenty-five.  I’ll make an order, only to be replied, some four to five days later, that they’re out of stock.  Thanks, asshats!

     I had one laptop for a month waiting on a motherboard.  I returned it, busted, last week to Cumberland Gap.
     I’ve had one for two weeks now waiting on a cooling fan that never seems to show up.

     These vendors are really pissing me off …

     And who gets left trying to play clean up?

     Yours truly…

Stock Photos

Slight Professional Irritants

February 5th, 2008 at 1:00 am by Zacque
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Every so often, there comes a time when something is just slightly irritating enough to be a tongue-punch in the old backdoor, Mind you not in the kinky variety of “ooh, please sir…  May I…  I need some more!”  Rather in the “Eww, gross!”  I feel weird when I am a propositioned by the seedy old man at the rest stop sort of way; yes, that is how I feel when people with the help of God still can’t seem to understand what I am saying.  For crying out loud, I speak the same English that they do.  It can’t be this difficult.

I specifically said to someone “I can’t do anything with those images, my lab won’t let me.”  However they still went on to tell me that I could indeed do so if I performed said mentioned set of magic tricks while holding an emasculated monkey doing the can-can on its head.  To which I said, “Perhaps you didn’t hear me correctly, I cannot do anything to those images.  The proprietary software won’t register the images as actually there if I do that.”

For a reason unannounced to anyone but the other person and God himself, (sorry for Hitlery supporters, but God has to be masculine as no woman would let the world get this far,) this person still demanded that I be able to make changes to the images anyways.  Oh well, I guess that will be the last time I try to ask a so-called colleague (who probably couldn’t photograph their way out of paper bag,) for an opinion about work in the same field.  They don’t spend any money on work you do for them anyhow.