Posts Tagged with "zombies"

Catch Tonight’s Episode of The Walking Dead?

March 15th, 2015 at 9:54 pm by Mark
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Tonight was the first time in a few weeks something actually HAPPENED on The Walking Dead!

The Walking Dead: Everybody Ate Chris

Zombie-Proof Graves?

March 8th, 2015 at 5:33 pm by Mark
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Though this may be one way to avoid a horrible Zombie Apocalypse, I’m a larger fan of proactively tying together the shoe-laces of each and every dead body so that said Apocalypse will be absolutely hilarious.

Zombie-Proof Grave: Your Move, Zombies!

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Happy Halloween 2014!

October 31st, 2014 at 5:00 pm by Chered
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Wishing everyone a happy — and safe — Halloween!

How's everyone holding up? It's crazy out there! I've killed 15 zombies so far! Why the fuck are they all carrying candy?

Too Much Information?

April 8th, 2014 at 5:52 pm by Mark
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Sometimes, it’s just too easy…

YOUR PANTS + LAST THING YOU ATE = YOUR APOCALYPSE SURVIVAL TEAM NAME.  OP: "Purple Pizza lol"  Commenter 1: "Haha blue taco salad" Commenter 2: No Tuna Salad `o_O^" OP: "So xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx not wearing pants?" Commenter 2: "Nope ;-)" OP: "wow awkward!!!" Commenter 3: "Blue biscuit?"  Commenter 2: "It's after 5PM and I'm in my room.  I DO WHAT I WANT! lol"


Can’t Find the Right Man?

March 6th, 2014 at 1:59 pm by Novia
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Well, that certainly explains why I like zombies so much!

Zombies (n.): The only men that will love you for your brains.