February 28th, 2013 at 7:58 pm by Mark
Tags: animals, chinese, food, irony, malls
Doesn’t bother me.
I ate at Panda Garden last night, which has a picture of a Koala on its sign. Around the corner from them is a “Christan” book store, which had “Fifty Shades of Grey” proudly displayed in the window. Just up from there was the Mattress Outlet, which only sold waterbeds.
Strip malls are always bizarre…

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February 27th, 2013 at 5:59 pm by Mark
Tags: culture, future, social commentary, technology, time travel
Major technological advances are to be expected from decade to decade, and that’s a fact. But when we set expectations for our future, people never take into account social change; they simply use their current culture and attitude as a baseline for “how things will be.” Someone from the nineteen fifties who travelled to the here-and-now would certainly be shot down to realize that despite all the keen gadgets we have today, most people are just wet rags…

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February 26th, 2013 at 5:16 pm by Mark
Tags: cellphones, history, innuendo, phones, teenagers, telephones
The adolescent phone snickered for hours when the elder cellphone told him about his great-great-grandfather’s massive crank…

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February 25th, 2013 at 5:34 pm by Mark
Tags: alderaan, death star, lego, star wars
After the kids leave and go home, their bedroom most always looks like Lego Alderaan, and must be traversed in the same manner as navigating an uncharted asteroid field…

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February 24th, 2013 at 5:25 pm by Mark
Tags: grumpy cat, kristen stewart, twilight
I wonder who would win in a competition between American’s most popular single-expression cat and America’s most popular single-expression actress?

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