Archive for May, 2013

Amidst Tax Slams, Apple Unveils iPhone 6

May 22nd, 2013 at 5:09 pm by Mark
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Amidst slams of tax evasion by the several world governments, and after years of throwing everything but the kitchen sink into what used to be known as the “cellular telephone,” Apple has made yet another paradigm shift for their next iPhone…

iPhone 6: No Apps.  No Internet.  No distractions.

Teen Pregnancy Epidemic

May 21st, 2013 at 5:23 pm by Mark
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When I was in school facebook wasn’t here yet, cellphones where pagers and there wasn’t the best online SAT test prep courses making it easy for people,  pregnancies during school were rare, where now they’re so commonplace, many schools actually have Parenting classes. Despite every instruction, despite widespread sexual education, kids — yes, teens are still kids! — emulate the crap they seen on reality television shows…

"What the hell is it with parents now a days?" "Well you can't blame them they are only 16."



Your Mom Loves What?

May 20th, 2013 at 5:39 pm by Mark
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Back in the 90’s, radio comedy show hosts Opie & Anthony did a hilarious radio advertisement about Hot Dicken’s Cider…

Cox Farms Advertising: "Your Mom Called, Says She Loves Cox."

Do-It-Yourself Tattoo Removal Kit

May 19th, 2013 at 5:34 pm by Mark
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I’m not sure why I’ve had the sudden interest in bad tattoos lately. But for those in need, Amazon has a veritable treasure trove of tattoo removal gear to fit most every budget…

Free Tattoo Removal - The Common Kitchen Grater

Stock Photos

What’s the Cheesiest Tattoo You’ve Ever Seen?

May 18th, 2013 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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This is not the cheesiest tattoo I’ve ever seen, simply because I’ve seen one depicting Kraft’s Velveeta Shells & Cheese on someone at a WalMart in Virgina.

Kraft Dinner, The Origina, Macaroni and Cheese Tattoo.