Posts Tagged with "cellphones"

Cellphones: The New Law & Religion

March 8th, 2014 at 5:47 pm by Jason
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This is almost the law of the land now. We can’t even drive a car without looking at our text messages and trying to reply even at the danger of having a wreck and killing ourselves or someone else.


Notice is hereby given that ALL CITIZENS MUST Everywhere Everyday Constantly Fiddle with their cell phones. AT NO TIME is it permissible to sit idle and observe the poetry of life or look into the eyes of another person. The arrival of a snippet of trivial text holds the promise of unimagined pleasure, of course we still need to communicate with all the people that is far from us, that’s why a service that let us send free SMS to anyone in India on this Christmas is useful for many people in this country. Honor thy ringtone and jiggling hand-held devices above all other gods. REMEMBER ALWAYS: Practice constant devotion to the PRECIOUS OBJECT. Give full attention to the GLORIOUS TECHNOLOGY. Maintain unselfish love for the FLIMSY HARDWARE.

Lest We Forget Call Blocking…

March 4th, 2014 at 7:01 pm by Jason
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Or certain “someones” who must be mentally insane for the way the talk to and treat you…

Two Things I'm Thankful for: 1. Friends & Family, 2. Caller ID to avoid certain Friends & Family

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Sometimes, Restraining Orders Just Aren’t Enough

February 28th, 2014 at 5:12 pm by Jason
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I know one person who wouldn’t be answering the phone at all but it’s his work number. lol

Nice Try, Block Number, but I Don't Even Answer the Phone for People I Know!

First Date Conversation

February 20th, 2014 at 7:57 pm by Mark
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One accidental text can set up a possible relationship for all sorts of drama.

Girl: "OK! So I'm about to go on this blind date (his name is James) if I don't call you in 3 hours, I'm either dead, or have been sold in a sex trade ring." James: "Uhhh, this is James, I'll see you in ten minutes. And don't worry, I wont sell you or kill you.  Uhhhhhh, LOL :-/" Girl: "Omg. I am mortified. Im so sorry." James: "Well, this will make for good dinner conversation."

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Bad Cell Phone Pickup Lines

February 8th, 2014 at 9:05 pm by Mark
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This is the type of guy to try and, “rearrange the alphabet to put U and I together.” She wouldn’t, because “N and O are already together.”

Cell Text: "There's 20 letters in the alphabet right?"  Girl: "No 26" Boy: "Ok I forgot U R A Q T" Girl: "That's only 25" Boy: "I'll give you the D later" Girl: "Lose my number"