Millions of people are already turning on the television to watch pre-game shows that lead up to the nationally syndicated scream-fest that is American Football. And though many women get involved, too, you know that some will be slaving away in the kitchen…
Another episode of The Walking Dead is coming up on Sunday… and to be honest, I’m starting to feel the same way about it as I feel like watching UT Vols Football…
Some argue that material wealth is the root of a lot of unhappiness, but my take is that it’s the lack of parenting which causes kids to be unable to cope. Think about the number of Digital Babysitters (Xbox, TV, iPod, etc.) kids have these days…
All of this may explain Neil’s incorrect use of a colon and the misspelling of the show, ‘Punkin Chunkin’ — itself, misspelled. But I digress…
Music TeleVision is full of reality shows. American Movie Classics is mostly “new, award-winning dramas.” CNN is full of infomercials. Do we blame the Television Industry, or the 40% of Americans honestly believe that Comedy Central is a source of News?
“General” Larry Platt — as opposed to a single, specific Larry Platt — seems to have caused a stir in the world of reality television and the Internet by singing and dancing to his original masterwork, “Pants on the Ground.”
This does, of course, underscore the reason I don’t watch television. But I’m certain that the brilliant marketing automation tools and machine which is Fox Network’s American Idol just gathered a few million new viewers for airing this foolishness… Speaking of marketing, you may also want to use decals to reach people, customers or viewers. Most people still consider these advertising methods compared to online strategy.
Not to be outdone, of course, NBC had their own take on this soon-to-be-hit song, thanks to the talented sarcasm of former Saturday Night Live star, Jimmy “Neil Young” Fallon.
Amusingly, Jimmy Fallon’s satirical take made more sense than the actual Neil Young’s last album…