The Complete History of Russia
August 27th, 2010 at 3:00 pm by MarkTags: dailyshite, history, humor, Lenin, music, Putin, Russia, Stalin, tetris, video
Arranged to the music of that terrible time waster from years ago…
Arranged to the music of that terrible time waster from years ago…
I posted this on Facebook about thirty minutes ago, and I don’t think it could be said any more plainly. Apparently, a few people agree, because my original thought is already being re-posted.
Opposing building a Mosque at Ground Zero is no more racist than opposing building a Cowboy Theme Park at Wounded Knee, or picketing a German History Museum being built next door to a burned Synagogue. It wasn’t Cowboys who killed Indians at Wounded Knee, nor are all Germans Nazis. But it’s still poor taste, plain and simple, and were it either of the latter, the “compassionate Left” would be up in arms.
I’m tired of being called a Racist, when it’s entirely not true! I guess thirty years is enough for the average idiot to forget what they knew as children…
So when we’re talking about “tolerance and understanding,” I can’t help but ask all the “Politically Correct” people…
Why do you insist on labeling people, and underscoring their color, race, creed and nationality at every turn? What shows more prejudice — being color blind and standing up for an ideal, or constantly underscoring color, creed and nationality and putting them all in the same box?
Seems it’s you guys who keep speaking of all of your “Muslim friends.” Or your “Mexican friends.” Or your “Black friends.”
Umm … who’s the Racist? Because to me, they’re just my friends.
Without the occasional Social faux pas, no one ever learns a damn thing.
“Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it. Amen.” — Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 1975
This is the most annoying thing I’ve seen in several months.
Ya know, my particular “dislike” of monotonous mediatard Wolf Blitzer is rather well known in some circles, so stuff like this just makes my day.