Archive for the 'knoxville' Category

Is It Time to Change Your Social Behavior?

January 30th, 2015 at 5:17 pm by Mark
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I can name several thousand people in my general vicinity who would certainly benefit from taking the advice in this book…

Book: "How Not to Be a Dick"  So many people need to read this.

Online Gaming Tantrums

January 29th, 2015 at 5:57 pm by Chered
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Can video games stress the nervous system enough to cause mood changes? Tantrums? Explosive behavior?

Let’s be honest. By age five, these kids usually have the mouths of sailors. A wise man once said that a normal person, plus anonymity, plus an audience, equals…F@#$%wad. The tendency for anonymous crowds to be abusive is well-known, and adding in the competitive nature of online multiplayer games doesn’t help things.

You may have experienced it yourself, that player in the chat who gets angry and aggressive; calling people names and filling the screen with lines of typed abuse. If you’re on voice-chat, it could be shouted insults filled with curses, or sneered commands from someone convinced they’re superior.

This environment can become overwhelming for some, and many decide to drop out and play something else. At first, you might be driven by your emotions and react the same way, but after you realize it’s just a game and it’s not actually worth it, you’ll start looking for different online games that will not have these kinds of upsetting interactions with other players.


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Sly Use of Innuendo in Tourist Destinations

January 28th, 2015 at 5:58 pm by Kimberly
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Why is it the word “innuendo” sounds a little nasty itself?

Big Dick's Halway Inn of Eastern Missouri

Why Dogs Follow You to the Bathroom

January 27th, 2015 at 7:55 pm by Mark
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This makes complete sense, especially when I consider one dog who incessantly peed on the toilet…

Philosoraptor: Does your dog follow you to the bathroom because you follow it outside, so the dog thinks maybe that's what it's supposed to do?

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Every Time It Snows

January 27th, 2015 at 5:26 pm by Anita
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And every time there’s snowfall in the north, another meteorologist loses their credibility about it being the “worst storm ever.”

Teacher says, "Every time a snowflake falls in the South, a jug of milk and a loaf of bread disappear!"