Posts Tagged with "language"

Shit Guys Don’t Say Out Loud

January 31st, 2012 at 5:25 pm by Mark
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Or, maybe they should’ve says, “Shit most guys don’t even think” …

My SoapBox

March 30th, 2010 at 2:01 am by Glenn
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Ok – so sitting around I sometimes get to wondering “What The Hell?”.

Today is one of those days.

It seems that the more I read through blogs and whatnot the more I come across people using the wrong words in place of the right ones.

Half the hypocrite, I’m not even sure if these are classified as spelling mistakes or grammatical mistakes. Anyways, what I am getting to are words such as brake and break. How can you mix up saying something like “I like to break for babies” or how about “Sorry officer, I forgot to set the parking break” and my favorite “Yo! I’m so gonna brake yo face!” (when said in a heavy NY accent).

Anyways, it’s not that I’m a brilliant writer and haven’t been known to make a misteak hear or there, it’s just that I wish people would take the time to either get reacquainted with their backspace key or at least visit once in a while.

Update – I take great pain in re-stating the fact that California is laying off close to 30,000 teachers. Just think of all the crap you’ll have to read from now on, in addition to my own drivel.

Stepping off the SoapBox

Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!

Bad Engrish

October 24th, 2009 at 1:51 am by Mark
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     So in the process of cleaning this blog up, pulling out some fluff and doubling the speed, I ran across a several bits of “extra” code that are quite a lot less than necessary…

     Can someone please tell what this means?

… [This plugin] is in the 2.6 version of WordPress after the automatic accession to the revised edition of the journal preservation cause, you modify a log of each, will add a revision, if you modify many times, log on the few speeches, it will be a very frightening number!If you have 100 on the log, your revisiong redundancy may be as many as 1,000 articles!

[This plugin] is the end came, to delete a large number of redundant revision to increase the speed of implementation of the SQL statement, WordPress upgrade the speed there is a lot of benefits!

Thank you for your useing. I hope this will give you convenient plug-ins!

     I has a loss…

     And if you think the Engrish is bad, you should see the math it does…

Now You have 838 posts ,Up to now [this plugin] has deteted 1042 post revision of dedundancy,it’s easy . Wish happy ending !

     Regardless of how many times I run it, 838 != 1042.

As if I Need More Fungus

February 19th, 2009 at 9:25 pm by Mark
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     Tonight, I got a random Yahoo invite from someone I don’t know.  I don’t answer anything from people I don’t know.  Hell, it’s hard enough to get me to answer them from people I do know.
     But the amusing part about this one was that the invite was from someone named “fungal4u” with a bunch of numbers at the end.

     You got it … I won’t even respond to someone named “fun gal 4 u” … But prior to hitting, “Mark as Spam,” I couldn’t help but respond.

     “I don’t talk to fungus.”

     I mean, what a brilliantly thought out name.  Fungal, as in about, or pertaining to, fungus.  

     That struck me as almost as clever as when Experts Exchange had their original domain, “” — for those who want the very best Sex Change.  *rolls eyes*


I Having Probrem

February 19th, 2009 at 11:43 am by Mark
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     I do tend to deal with a lot of people who aren’t native English speakers.  A lot of times, I tend to learn their particular pidgins and respond back in kind so that they understand, because sometimes their English skills just aren’t good enough to “get it.”

     Back in ’95, I had a computer store.  I answered the phone one day to a Taiwanese customer.
     “Herro, Ma’k?  I having probrem.  Have computer, cannot get hard on.”
     *muffled laughter*  “Umm, it won’t turn on?”
     “No, cannot get hard on.”
     *laughter less muffled*  “I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.  You cannot get a hard on?”
     “Haha, very fun!  No, cannot get hard on.”
     *laughing*  “Umm, that sounds like a personal problem.”  *turns on speaker phone*
     “No, Ma’k, have computer, computer on, no hard on.”
     *laughing hard*  “Are you on the Internet?”
     “No, cannot get hard on!  Come now!”
     *laughing hysterically* “I can send one of the girls over.”
     “You makey joke!  I no get hard on!  Send Robin!  Haha, very fun!”

     Anyway, as it turns out, the computer itself, which he mistakenly called the “hard drive,” would not turn on.  And it was due to bad wiring in the building.  But… Whatever…

     A repeat today, with a similar situation, left me fumbling for words when trying to speak to anyone else.  Typing was, of course, right out.

I taking they making wiper fluid for race cars?
Oh, God.
My English is suffering horrible.
This is what I get for talking to Chinese clients.
My English going Hell to the basket.

     Now I have to do a BIOS update … but can no find froppy dick.