Posts Tagged with "politics"

Asshat of the Day: John Wiley Price

February 21st, 2011 at 6:49 am by Mark
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     Today’s Asshat of the Day goes to Dallas County, Texas Commissioner, John Wiley Price, who recently garnered national media attention for saying to the white consituency gathered at a County Commission Public Meeting, “You’re all white.  Go to Hell.”

     Black Hole (n.): 1. A region of space from which nothing, not even light, can escape; 2. A slang term used to describe a location or body where things disappear, never to be seen again, especially paperwork and/or money.

     Asshole (n.): 1. The anus; 2. A slang term referring to a person who acts maliciously without care or reason.

     Moulinyan (n.): 1. Italian for “Black Eggplant;” 2. An Italian-American slang term used as a racial slur against our darker-skinned population. See also, “Mouli,” which, in addition to being  a brand of food processor & slicers, was adopted in short for television and movies in order to prevent upset from the general population.

     Mullah (n.): 1. Muslim man educated in Islamic Law; 2. A Muslim vicar, leader or guardian; 3. An English slang term for a Muslim despot.

     Moolah (n.): 1. An Italian-American slang term for “money.”

    Mr. Price continues to be unapologetic to his constituency, claiming that the speaker, Jeff Turner, was using the word, “moolah,” and that it was a “racial epithet.” Anyone with half a brain knows the difference between those words, however, it seems that Mr. Price is missing that half. 

     Asshat (n.): 1. A slang term for someone who acts with such beligerant ignorance or stupidity that they must have their head up their ass, as if wearing it as a hat.

Commissioner Price Tells Citizens to ‘Go to Hell’:

      Fortunately, there was at least one more of those “Anglos” around to put it all into perspective.  Apparently, not only did he have half a brain, he wasn’t a racist asshat.

Speaker Said ‘Mullah,’ Price Heard ‘Moolah’:

     Personally, I’m thankful that Mr. Price hasn’t found out that Ruby Tuesday serves Cajun Blackened Chicken, because once he does, there’s gonna Hell to pay!

Vote… Don’t Vote…

November 2nd, 2010 at 9:12 am by Zacque
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Today is November the 2st 2010…  The day many Americans will go to the polls… 

People make WAY too big a deal about it and are generally too uptight about the entire subject.

I was reading a post from the Knoxville News Sentinel where it chronicled all of the violence and fraud surrounding voting thus far out of pure boredom.  During this reading I found that not only had fraud taken place already but it backfired in atleast one case where the silly Democrats in charge had the polls set up so the voting populace could vote for only a Republican option.  You would think that if you were going to screw with an election you would set it up to choose a candidate who personified your own views.  Guess thats what happens when you can’t trust a member of your own party, but Harry Reid?  Come on now, we as a populace can do better than that.

Of course there was also a man had shouted “You lie!” toward President Obama. Last but not least, there were the usual numerous cases of absentee ballet fraud, like Chicago during the 1920’s. Vote early, vote often!

Generally, I would say that this should really be covered under the entertainment section of the paper as a good deal of it is quite humorous.  It is after all a civic duty so must be given a little pomp and circumstance and should be documented as such.

Honestly, I don’t care if you vote or not.  If you do make the choice to do so, make a decision you think is livable.  If you stay home, that’s great too. But then you lose the ability complain when you get the perverbial shaft because you were lazy.  So enjoy your trip or not.  But be nice to one another in the process.   After all, elected officials are supposed to be the best and brightest we have to offer.  No wonder the city, state, and country is headed for the toilet.

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Why Marijuana Will Not Be Legalized

August 21st, 2010 at 4:16 am by Mark
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Marijuana is far too volatile a substance.  So let’s look at it from a Medical perspective:

There’s a good percentage of the population who react oppositely to what you’re always told.  Instead of relaxing, laughing a bit, they become paranoid, panicked and even violent.  While Smokers and users of the mini dab rig generally suggest this is a mere “1% of the population,” as per the NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) rhetoric, it’s simply not true.  Medical professionals generally agree the percentage is around fifty percent, and even higher when used together with alcohol and even some non-prescription drugs. On websites like you can find testimonials of people who really enjoy it and feel it helps them, but we have to think about society at large, not just a few people, we need more discussion about facts. Although when consuming drugs is important to not abuse drugs because they can cause drug addiction. Drug addiction is one of the worst things that you can experience, if you know someone who needs help visit
There’s also the rhetoric that it’s less harmful than cigarettes, which is entirely untrue.  Marijuana features a much higher level genotoxicity, and is capable of causing errors in genetic replication at eight times of the rate of cigarettes.  Genotoxins can lead to tumors, and can passed on in the form of birth defects.  As for the generally held myth that it contains less tar than cigarettes, even best-case scenario, a single joint contains eight times the amount of tar — along with 50% more carcinogens — than an entire pack of Camel Lights.

Past the obvious and immediate health effects, you end up with the “high” effects.  Unlike Alcohol, which is legal, the effects of Marijuana vary too greatly per person, and there’s no way to guage a “recommended dosage,” or how long the effects will last.  While a shot of alcohol relies on a “high” based on a purely biological trigger — cellular osmosis — and will fully run its course in around four hours, the effects of Marijuana come from inhibiting neuron reception and asphyxiation, with long-term daily use causing permanent and irreversible brain damage, so in case anyone consume this drug to help with their health, they should know there are better options and supplements that help with this, they can go to some websites to get a patriot power greens free sample and find out how good is for their health.

Pretty much what you end up with is that only Weed Smokers and NORML say it isn’t harmful, when there’s plenty of medical data to the contrary. This applies to pain management as well, where there are less harmful to administer options such as cbd oil. As you can see in this article at, there are no known side-effects and no harm to lungs which would invariably occur from smoking.

Several Politicians have gained voters by claiming they support Marijuana Legalization.  Unfortunately, these are usually the exact people who intend to make money from it.  Every weed smoker in the United States says, “Never trust when someone says, ‘We’re from the Government and we’re here to help you.'”  Unfortunately, they seem to throw out that logic for the first Senator who says he’s going to push for Reform…

Of course, when faced with this kind of information, smokers end up showing off the long-term effects of their escapism: diminished emotional capacity and stunted conflict resolution skills.

And if you don’t believe me, just watch the comments…

Check out more information about Marijuana at the U.S. National Institute of Health and the National Highway Transport Safety Authority.

“If You Oppose, You’re a Racist!”

August 18th, 2010 at 5:04 pm by Mark
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     I posted this on Facebook about thirty minutes ago, and I don’t think it could be said any more plainly. Apparently, a few people agree, because my original thought is already being re-posted.

Opposing building a Mosque at Ground Zero is no more racist than opposing building a Cowboy Theme Park at Wounded Knee, or picketing a German History Museum being built next door to a burned Synagogue. It wasn’t Cowboys who killed Indians at Wounded Knee, nor are all Germans Nazis. But it’s still poor taste, plain and simple, and were it either of the latter, the “compassionate Left” would be up in arms.

     I’m tired of being called a Racist, when it’s entirely not true!  I guess thirty years is enough for the average idiot to forget what they knew as children…

     So when we’re talking about “tolerance and understanding,” I can’t help but ask all the “Politically Correct” people…

    Why do you insist on labeling people, and underscoring their color, race, creed and nationality at every turn? What shows more prejudice — being color blind and standing up for an ideal, or constantly underscoring color, creed and nationality and putting them all in the same box?  

     Seems it’s you guys who keep speaking of all of your “Muslim friends.” Or your “Mexican friends.” Or your “Black friends.

     Umm … who’s the Racist? Because to me, they’re just my friends.

     Without the occasional Social faux pas, no one ever learns a damn thing.

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Congress Creates Porn Stashing Agency (PSA)

April 16th, 2010 at 7:00 pm by Mark
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Unfortunately, they also wouldn’t support my right to Keep and Arm Bears. But I do like the bit about blaming Canada…