Posts Tagged with "religion"

God Hates Figs

July 20th, 2010 at 9:00 pm by Mark
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And apparently, Microsoft hates the Westboro Baptist Church, FTW!

GOD HATES FIGS: Jesus Rebuked the Fig as an Evil Abomination

Source: Originally posted via UrlyBits

Creationists Show Proof of God’s Plan

April 1st, 2010 at 10:00 am by Mark
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In the next segment, his wife explains the zucchini… *cough*

Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!

Hand of the Almighty

January 11th, 2010 at 2:15 am by Mark
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     Most people know better than to mix Religion, Politics and Alcohol.  But occasionally, a combination of two of those three things can be as wise as it is comical.  Such is the case with this particular John R. Butler song… (NSFW)

Note: And an obligatory hat tip to Tall Paul for giving it a mention

Oh, My God! Err, No, Just Bad Personal Hygeine…

March 17th, 2009 at 3:42 am by Mark
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     Apparently, Jesus-Misericordieux on Reunion Island is being flocked by people believing that a miracle has happened, in that the face of Jesus appeared on a Roman Catholic priest’s seat cushion.


     I would expect to find Jesus in the lowest of places…  In the ceiling tile of a seedy hostel, to remind someone of how things “could be.”  Perhaps in the sweat of a beer can, to give hope to the hopeless.

     But is it wrong of me to refuse to believe that he will magically appear under the ass of a hairy, sweaty priest at an aging church in a popular European tourist destination?

     And if the photo here is authentic, I believe that’s one of Johnny Hart’s characters from B.C….


Tip: Sam, the absentee writer

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

A Terrible Track Record

April 30th, 2008 at 1:43 am by Zacque
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So, as of late we here at have not been writing as frequently as we should.  Although I think it might have something to with the fact some of us got caught up in our own lives.  So I will take the first step in order to break the silence.  I have to offer two funny articles: the first on why unothodox Christians would never breed if they truly followed their own ideas  (Yay! No more Temple Baptist Church, School, or Crown College); the second more condom news!

Whack, Unwrap, and Enjoy!

Tip: Thanks to Beth for the links.